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AGES 3-21

Autism Evaluation

This thorough evaluation process, incorporating both the ADOS-2 and ASRS, aims to provide a detailed and accurate understanding of an individual's strengths, challenges, and potential areas for intervention within the context of Autism Spectrum Disorder (e.g., Social Communication, Pragmatic Language, Social Skills, Reciprocity, Sensory Sensitivities, etc.). 


A dyscalculia evaluation utilizing the WISC-V and WIAT-4 involves a comprehensive assessment of cognitive abilities and academic achievement related to mathematical skills (i.e., Math Application, Math Calculation and Math Fluency). 


By combining the NEPSY-2 and Conners-4, this ADHD evaluation aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of cognitive and behavioral aspects, aiding in the development of targeted interventions and support plans for individuals with ADHD (e.g., Executive Functioning, Attention to Task, Hyperactivity, etc.).




A dysgraphia evaluation incorporating the WISC-V and WIAT-4 aims to assess both cognitive abilities and academic achievement, providing comprehensive understanding of an individuals strengths and challenges related to dysgraphia (i.e., Graphomotor, Writing Production, Writing Mechanics, etc.). 


A dyslexia evaluation incorporating the WISC-V and WIAT-4 aims to assess both cognitive abilities and academic achievement, providing a comprehensive understanding of an individual's strengths and challenges related to dyslexia (i.e., Phonological Processing, Processing Speed, Basic Reading, Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension).



A giftedness evaluation incorporating the WISC-V and WJ ACHIEVEMENT aims to determine if the student has either cognitive or academic achievement skills/abilities that fall at least one standard deviation or more above average (i.e., Standard Scores of 115 or higher). Social-Emotional, Behavioral and adaptive behavior measures will also be considered when developing a giftedness evaluation.



Alex Passafiume (School Psychologist) 

Phone: 440-796-0932


Address: 2700 E. Main St. Suite 109, Bexley, OH 43209

© 2024 by PASS Psychological Assessment Support Services, LLC.

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